As the threat of Global Climate Change further intensifies, we in the Adirondack region are obligated as communities to look inward at what we can do to reduce our environmental impact on this delicate and forever-wild forest surrounding us. Our economy is dependent upon our environment and protecting that environment must go hand-in-hand with developing a strong and thriving focused economy. LivingADK seeks to promote initiatives that find that essential balance between preserving our environmental heritage and natural assets while also bringing year-round robust economic growth to the area.
We stand at the forefront of implementing new policies now that New York has passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). LivingADK is using the Climate Smart Communities and Clean Energy Community programs hosted by the DEC and NYSERDA respectively as a guidebook for helping to update policy and procedure as well as identifying funding resources for conversions. The Town of Webb notably has now achieved the prestigious label of "Designated Clean Energy Community."
LivingADK will continue to look at ways of mitigating the negative effects of global climate change on our region and encourage regional actions to act as good environmental stewards.
- Town of Webb and Inlet are registered Climate Smart Communities
- Old Forge Farmers Market brings local produce to region
- Business growth balanced with Environmentally Sustainable mindset is important to long term health of community
- LivingADK brings Tree City USA, Clean Energy Communities, and Heat Smart initiatives to the regionĀ
- Helped pave the way for EV Charging Stations all along Route 28

"We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation."
-Francois Hollande
Frequently Asked Questions
Ducks are available for purchase starting Memorial Day weekend up until the day of the event on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. They are available for purchase at the Town of Webb Visitor Center, at the Friday Old Forge Farmers Market LivingADK booth, as well as 9 am - 4:30 pm, M-F at the LivingADK office at the rear of the Adirondack Bank building, 108 Codling Street, Old Forge, NY.
Ducks can be adopted for $5 for a single duck or a Flock of 5 ducks for $20. Our generous local business donate 18 fabulous prizes.
LivingADK, through donations and membership dues, does not have money that it gives out for funding as a grant. Instead, LivingADK is a clearing house that helps organizations in the community to write grants and acquire funding through other sources such as state, federal and other non-profit funding sources.
LivingADK has a wide network of contacts across the Adirondack park, where possible we can be a resource in connecting businesses across the region with similar needs to help increase communication. In the past we have helped to get grant funding to help begin new upstart businesses, to supplement the cost of businesses that want to upgrade their energy efficiency, and to revitalize targeted groups of businesses in the same town area. Reach out to us and let us see how we can help you to plant your seed or to grow!
Although LivingADK operates generally in the Towns of Forestport, Webb, Inlet, Long Lake and up to Indian Lake, LivingADK is a resource of the greater Adirondack community and is willing to work to help organizations or partner with organizations outside of this area, especially concerning regional projects.
LivingADK is a membership organization and receives funding through annual membership fees, donations, townships that we operate in, foundation grants and donor advised funds as well as our annual fundraisers. Lastly, LivingADK earns money through grant administration for a percentage of a grant award if an organization so chooses to hire LivingADK to do so.
Generally, LivingADK does not charge for help in grant location or grant application help. However, LivingADK does offer the services of administering a grant if one is awarded for a percentage of the awarded grant if an organization chooses to use LivingADK for this service.
LivingADK has various committees in which we are always looking for members including the Housing Committee, Healthcare Committee, Community Development Committee and soon to have a committee tasked with Environmental Sustainability. There are also annual opportunities to join the LivingADK board, in some cases, if you would like to be more directly involved with the actual not-for-profit. Reach out to info@livingadk.org or call us at 315.369.3353 for more information and to get involved. Lastly, a donation to LivingADK helps the organization continue to do great work in the community so don't overlook that type of contribution as involvement.
The "From Farm to Forge" Cookbook can be purchased at the Old Forge Farmers Market on Fridays, 1 pm to 5 pm from June through October 8th. They can also be purchased at the LivingADK office, 9 am - 4:30 pm, M-F at the rear of the Adirondack Bank building, 108 Codling Street, Old Forge, NY. Cookbooks are available while supplies last.