Contributions to Grants & Investments Involving LivingADK
(1999-2023) $13,557,215
LivingADK has a legacy of success to build upon and continue to grow throughout the various communities of the Western Central Adirondack Region.
Town of Forestport
- Local Waterfront Revitalization project to develop a plan for town waterfront access on the Black River 2005, $50,000
- Construction of new Otter Lake fire station through Homeland Security Funding 2011, $1,126,431
- Woodgate Library through Community Foundation for new roof 2014, $10,000
- Woodgate Library, NYS Library Construction Fund 2015 $41,269
**Summary of grant development/investment for Town of Forestport- ($1,227,700)
Town of Webb
- Main Street business revitalization grants 2009, $200,000
- Waterfront Revitalization project developing design plans for waterfront park Reconstruction of Town of Webb Municipal dockage 2010, $48,000
- Design and construction assistance for Point Park 2006, $140,000
- Central Adirondack Laboratory for Environmental Sciences (CALES) – feasibility study on establishing an environmental studies program within the Town of Webb 2008, $100,000
- Design plan for McCauley Mountain Ski Chalet through West Adirondack Recreation Development Association (WARDA) 2004, $20,000
- Trails grant for improvements to McCauley Mt. in collaboration with Town of Webb School and WARDA 2011, $5,350
- DEC capital assistance program for transfer station recycling project 2015, $24,412
- Grant writing for purchase of new wheelchair accessible van for Community Transportation Services, LTD (CTS Van) 2008, $52,000, SUV 2013, $14,065, SUV 2017, $6,940
- Playground equipment through Herkimer County HealthNet 2012, $12,403
- Municipal Incentive Grant for recreation through Herkimer County 2012, $5,000
- Strand Theater Digital Conversion through Empire State Development 2013, $25,000 and coordination of Save Our Strand Digital Conversion 2013, $108,000
- Kinderwood School through DeVito Family Foundation 2013, $20,000; 2017, $20,000
- Complete Streets grant (bike racks), Herkimer County 2014, $5,000
- TOBIE Trail improvements, Herkimer County 2014, $9,747
- Energy Improvements to McCauley Mt. snowmaking and ski lift, NYSERDA & National Grid 2014 $58,855
- Energy efficient snow making equipment for McCauley Mt., NYSERDA 2018, $66,200
- Old Forge Library, CNY Arts 2015, $620
- Webb Police Dept. 100-Watt Radio, NYS Criminal Justice 2015, $2,500
- Webb Police Dept. – Bulletproof Vest Partnership 2015/2016 $3,900
- Playground Equipment, McCauley Mt. Herkimer County HealthNet 2015, $6,483
- North Woods Community Center, Community Foundation Herkimer/Oneida 2015, $10,000
- Transportation Shuttle, NYS Dept. of Transportation 2015/2016 $45,750
- Mission Boutique Building, Community Foundation, 2016 $57,300
- Town Building Improvements, State and Municipal Grants 2016, $60,000
- Maple Ridge Water Tower Financing, USDA Rural Development, 2016, $1.75 million
- Assistance to non-profits, Adirondack League Club Community Fund, 2016 $47,000, 2017 $68,475, 2018 $66,975, 2019 $120,945, 2020 $147,175, 2021 $95,791
- MACs Safe Ride, new vehicle assistance, Community Foundation, 2016, $25,000
- DEC Municipal Waste Reduction, reimbursement for recycling equipment, 2016, $69,802
- Mountainman Outdoor Supply Co., Empire State Development expansion project, 2017, $140,000
- Community Health & Wellness Fund, feasibility study from Community Foundation, 2017, $11,500
- Town of Webb Historical Association Goodsell cellar drainage repair, 2017, $2,000
- Old Forge Little League – new ball field, Community Foundation, 2017, $10,000
- Town of Webb DEC Engineering Planning Grant for Wastewater Rehabilitation and Upgrade, 2018, $24,900
- Anasazi, LLC, (Hollister’s Business Expansion), Empire State Development Expansion project, 2018, $520,000
- Fulton Chain of Lakes Association, Invasive Species Lake Steward and Boat Wash Decon Station Summer 2019 Support, Adirondack League Club Community Fund, 2019, $1,500
- Town of Webb Public Restroom Project, Adirondack Park Community Smart Growth Grant Program, 2019, $100,000
- For the Declaration of Arbor Day in Town of Webb toward Tree City USA Designation, purchase of two (2) trees, New York State Urban Forestry Council, 2021, $1,000
- McCauley Mt. Recreation Center, Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Recreational Trails Program Grant award to expand the existing Mountain Biking trails; 2021, $250,000
- George Hiltebrant Recreation Center - new flooring and equipment, Wadas Foundation, 2022, $133,000
- Beautification mural, It's Happening Herkimer, 2022, $300
- Beautification mural in Eagle Bay, Adirondack Foundation, 2023, $2,600
- Beautification mural in Eagle Bay, Adirondack Bank, 2023, $150
- Conklin Family Dog Park, Adirondack League Club Community Fund, 2022, $41,730, 2023, $976
- Conklin Family Dog Park, East Hill Family Foundation, 2023, $10,000
- Old Forge Farmers Market Direct Nutritional Assistance Program, 2023 DeVito Family Trust $3,000, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Health & Wellness Award $1,250, Farm Credit East, $500, Adirondack League Club Community Fund, $2,500
- Community Transportation Services, Adirondack Foundation, 2023, $5,000
- Town of Webb, Clean Energy Communities, 2022, $10,000
- Town of Webb, Clean Energy Communities/Community Solar, 2023, $5,000
**Summary of grant development/investment for Town of Webb - ($4,913,594)
Town of Inlet
- Waterfront revitalization of Arrowhead Park including construction of Youth Commission Building 2007, $212,000
- Trails grant for design and construction of Elaine Townsend Trail connecting with Moose River Plains trail system 2009-10, $33,400
- Rural Business Enterprise grant for reconstruction of historic dockage at Woods Inn 2011, $83,850
- Main Street business revitalization grant 2008, $200,000
- DEC capital assistance program for transfer station recycling project 2011, $19,960
- Planned improvements to 5th & 6th Lake carry sites 2012, $24,000
- Arrowhead Park Phase II, Local Waterfront Revitalization Project (LWRP) through NYS Department of State 2013, $248,000
- NYSERDA Appliance Rebate, Community Center AC Units 2013, $771
- Inlet Sewer District Extension through NCREDC Infrastructure Fund 2013, $53,800
- Inlet Barnstormers Trail Equipment, NYS Office Parks & Recreation 2014, $59,000
- Inlet Library, NYSED Capital Improvements 2014 $25,819
- Inlet Library, NYSED Capital Improvements 2015 $29,831
- Inlet Senior/Community Center; Adirondack Foundation; Community Foundation 2015 $4,200
- Sixth Lake Dockage, NYS Department of State, 2016 $19,600
- Inlet Veterans Memorial, Adirondack Gives, 2016 $250
- Inlet Church of the Lakes, Adirondack Gives, 2016, $7,000
- Inlet Church of the Lakes, Adirondack Gives, 2017, $400
- Inlet Church of the Lakes, NY Landmarks Conservancy Sacred Sites, 2017 - $6,000
- Woods Inn, Empire State Development business expansion grant, 2017, $174,000
- Municipal Waste Reduction & Recycling State Assistance (MWRR) grant, 2018, $39,464
- Emergency Communications Tower Group of Inlet, through September, 2023, $232,289
- Municipal Waste Reduction & Recycling State Assistance (MWRR) grant, 2019, $38,356
- Inlet Area Community Task Force, Garden Grow Towers, Adirondack Foundation, 2023, $3,000
- Inlet Historical Association, Speaker System, Adirondack Foundation, 2023, $3,000
- Town of Inlet, Clean Energy Communities, 2023, $10,000
- Arrowhead Park Playground Equipment, Adirondack League Club Community Fund, 2023, $5,000
- Arrowhead Park Playground Equipment, General Donations, 2023, $16,173
- Town of Inlet, IVES, Hero Grant/Community Foundation for Auto Pulse AED, 2023, $1,500
- Inlet Area Community Task Force, Expand Community Garden, Community Foundation, 2023, $5,000
**Summary of grant development/investment for Town of Inlet – ($1,552,663)
Long Lake
- 90 Miler waterfront revitalization for Long Lake nature trail 2013, $18,000
- Waterfront revitalization through Raquette River Blueway Corridor, NYS DOS 2015 $342,000
**Summary of grant development/investment for Long Lake- ($360,000)
Indian Lake
- 90 Miler waterfront revitalization for pavilion construction at Blue Mountain Lake beach in collaboration with Blue Mt. Lake Association 2013, $7,000
- Indian Lake Main Street, NYS Housing & Community Renewal, 2016, $200,000
**(Summary of grant development/investment for Indian Lake – ($207,000)
Tupper Lake & Saranac Lake
- 90 Miler waterfront revitalization for Tupper municipal waterfront and coordination with Wild Center dock construction on Raquette River and public launch areas at Lake Flower, Beaver and Fowler Parks 2013, $44,000
**Summary of grant development/investment for Tupper and Saranac Lake - ($44,000)
- Central ADK COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund – raised $211,000 assisting 291 individuals
- CADK COVID Business Grant Fund – raised over $150,000 for 23 small businesses
- LivingADK Deed Restriction Program 2022 - anonymous donation of $35,000 for program initiation, Adirondack Foundation Generous Acts Grant, $5,000
- Flower Basket beautification project – 20 years
- Old Forge Farmers Market – 14 years
- Design and construction costs for phase one of TOBIE Trail 1999, $684,292
- Construction funding for VIEW- Arts Center/Old Forge 2010, USDA Rural Development $2.95m, USDA Grant $50,000, and NYS Grants $500,000
- Regional Housing Needs Assessment for Towns of Forestport, Webb, Inlet and Long Lake 2011, $55,026
- Regional waterfront revitalization projects along Adirondack Canoe Classic 90 Miler Blueway Trail
- Fresh Connect grant from NYS Agriculture & Markets for regional farmer’s market improvements 2012, $4,900
- Adirondack Park Recreational Web Portal Project through Adirondack Association of Towns & Villages (AATV) 2013, $108,000; Phase II 2014, $82,500
- Upper Hudson Recreational Hub for partnership projects, Recreation Strategies and Hamlets 3; through Nature Conservancy & Essex County Industrial Development Agency 2014, $356,750
- LivingADK Indeed Housing Legacy Program – compensation fund created for voluntary deed restriction program which reserves homes within Town of Webb School District for those living there full-time; 2022, $65,100, 2023, $34,700
**Summary of Regional Grant Development/Investment (1999-2022) totaling $5,207,468
Overall Regional Grant/Investment Involving LivingADK YTD - $13,557,215