Attention Small Business Owners Present And Future
Do you own a small business you are looking to expand? Have a great idea for a business, but don't know where to start? Have a small home based business you would like to expand to brick and mortar or go big online? Maybe you are looking to purchase one of the brick and mortar business for sale in the area. Whatever your business situation is, we have insights and answers to your most pressing questions.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend this free small business event. The ADK Small Business Stakeholder Meeting is being held on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at Great Pines Resort. 4920 NY-28, Old Forge, NY 13420 - from 2:30 pm - 4 pm. A Zoom option is available for viewing only and will be shared on our website - https://livingadk.org
Come learn more about local organizations that are here to help your business and share your input on the type of projects we can assist you with. There will be information on grants, tax credits, incentives, and more!
The Summit is being sponsored by Central Adirondack Association (CAA), Inlet Area Business Association (IABA), Great Pines Resort, and LivingADK. The summit will include presentations by representatives of Mohawk Valley Economic Development District, Inc. (MVEDD), Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA), Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce, and Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency. For those who attend in person, there will be a question and answer session and you will be able to network with other business owners and entrepreneurs.
If you are interested in owning or growing a business in the North Country, This will be an event you don't want to miss! If you have questions about this event, please feel free to contact Dan Kiefer-Bach from LivingADK at 315-369-3353. We look forward to seeing you there!