Local Community Groups Partnering to Celebrate Winter Solstice
Thanksgiving has passed and the winter holidays are fast approaching. At this time of year, stress can be at an all-time high. Scheduling all of the things - present shopping and ordering, card writing, grocery shopping, family meals, and those infamous out of town visitors - seasonal strains of our holiday traditions can have us running ragged. In all the craziness, it becomes important during the holiday season to take moments out of the chaos to wonder at and celebrate the magic of winter.
The Old Forge Library, Weaving Home, LivingADK, Niccolls Nurses, and LM Wellness Coaching are inviting the community for a December 21st Winter Solstice celebration to inspire us. This year, the Solstice celebration will be led by Lee Michael Vance, PsyD, ADD., a transformation and stress-reduction coach. He will help us explore both the five senses and the universal elements. All are invited to come and commune with friends and neighbors around a fire to practice mindfulness and meditation to celebrate and honor the darkness and light of the shortest day on the calendar.
Take a break from all the hectic holiday preparations and join your neighbors in appreciating the beauty of winter and all that mother nature has to offer. Smell the fire, hear the wind and the birds, feel the crisp air around you and take in the sights of the season.
This event is non-denominational, free, open to the public and will be outside of the Old Forge Library on December 21st at 4pm. At the conclusion of the outdoor ceremony all will be invited to gather inside with hot wassail and wish their friends and neighbors a happy holiday season.
No RSVP needed, just show up dressed for the weather and wearing a spirit of celebration. All are welcome to bring lanterns and lights.
We look forward to seeing everyone! If you have any questions, please contact us via email info@livingadk.org or phone 315-369-3353.