Date & Time
June 21, 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Save the date and check back for further details! You can pre-register on line at and either create your own team or search and join the LivingADK team or Linda’s Purple Peeps team. MORE details to follow as the date draws closer
Have questions about this event? Let us know!

About This Event

This event came together four years ago with the help of LivingADK and individual community residents in an effort to boost awareness to the challenges of caregivers when dealing with loved ones who suffer from Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.  Come enjoy a short but beautiful walk through the town of Inlet's Fern Park, rain or shine.  You'll have an opportunity to participate in a raffle for numerous donated gifts from local businesses.  Every dollar raised is split evenly between the Central NY and Northeastern NY Caregivers Support initiative within the Alzheimer’s Association.