CAP-PY Duck Derby 2021 a smashing success
The annual Cappy Duck derby was a special treat this year. After a 2020 event without in-person crowds, the return to the race as an in-person event meant happy racing fans.
Over 3000 yellow rubber ducks floated down the Big Moose River after the first lake dam on the Fulton Chain was released. The 18 fastest ducks were awarded prizes from local business sponsors. With a facepainting booth, lawn games, hot dogs and a DJ the event was the talk of the town on Labor day weekend. The annual Cappy duck derby raises funds for LivingADK to help us continue our not-for-profit work focusing on affordable housing, broadband expansion, environmentally sustainable economic development and healthcare access.
Thank you to all of the sponsors and volunteers that made this event possible and to put smiles on faces!!