It has been a very busy spring at LivingADK and we won't be slowing down anytime soon!
Upstate University Hospital's Mobile Mammography Van was at the Town of Webb's Office parking lot on May 2 & 3 providing mammography services that are otherwise not available locally. If you missed those dates, they will be returning to the Town of Webb Office parking lot on July 27, 2023, and will be there from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Registration is preferred which you can do by calling 315-464-2588 or you can register online here.
Community Pride Day - We participated in Community Pride Day, May 3 (in Inlet) and May 5 (in Town of Webb). Thanks to the many volunteers who participated, several bags of trash were collected, and our roadways are much cleaner!
WorkforceADK.com is buzzing with local employers, jobs, and job seekers! At this time there are 51 Employers looking to fill 74 job openings. If you or someone you know is looking for a job, look no further than workforceADK.com where there is something for everyone and it is all FREE!
Bagels and Blood Pressure - There have been two of these FREE monthly events so far. This is a monthly collaborative effort between Old Forge Volunteer Ambulance Corps, The Old Forge Library, LivingADK, Herkimer County Public Health, Life @ RCIL, and Mohawk Valley Health System. Thank you to all of the volunteers that take time out of their schedules to make this event a success. The next FREE Bagels and Blood Pressure event is scheduled for June 8, 2023, 10 am - 1:30 pm at the Old Forge Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Building (formerly The Muffin Patch @ Spring Street)
Community Shredding Event - LivingADK in partnership with the Town of Webb, Herkimer County, and Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority held a Community Shredding Event on Saturday, May 13. Twenty-Eight households took advantage of this free opportunity to rid themselves of boxes of paper!
CAP-PY Duck Ticket Sales Begin - May 26,2023!! That's right, CAP-PY Duck Ticket Sales begin the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend and are available at the Old Forge Visitors Center, LivingADK Office, from any LivingADK Board Member or Staff, and beginning June 16,2023 (Opening day) will be available at the Old Forge Farmers Market. Tickets will be available right up until a few minutes before race time on September 3, 2023 (Sunday of Labor Day Weekend).
Alzheimer's Longest Day Walk/Hike - LivingADK will once again stand up to the darkness that is Alzheimer's Disease. Join our team for the Longest Day Walk to support caregivers. The walk is being held on June 24, 2023 at Fern Park in Inlet. Events begin at 11 am. You can join our team, donate to our cause or show up and walk with us, participate in a basket raffle, and enjoy a day in Fern Park. We appreciate any and all support for this important cause.
As always, you can contact us with questions or for more information at 315-369-3353 or by emailing us at info@livingADK.org. If you would like to be kept in the know, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our home page.