2022 LivingADK Summer Internship Program
LivingADK is excited to announce we are accepting applications for the 2022 summer internship program. Interested in working in the not-for-world? Have a passion for food access, housing or some other specific mission? Really excited to practice your marketing skills, or polish your networking abilities?
Whatever your interest, we are looking for interns that are ENGAGED in their passions. A candidate ready to both LEARN and then SHARE their knowledge to help benefit the greater community. A candidate EXCITED to dive in headfirst and facilitate change in the lives of others.
Candidates can be of any age or place in life. Never worked in this field? That is okay. We are willing to teach and guide a person with an open mind. High School, college, working, changing careers? We are willing to work with you if you are excited about community building. As this internship relies on the personality fit and less on a rigid schedule, we are willing to, within reason, support a full time or part time internship.
What a candidate does need:
1) Access to a laptop or computer of their own that they can use at work.
2) A place to stay. LivingADK cannot provide housing, so make sure you have housing arranged, or planned, before applying.
3) As community building does require a certain level of personal interaction, we need a candidate that is willing to work from the community/office a portion of the time. Our office hours are 9a-5p Monday-Friday.
3) A good grip on LivingADK as an organization, what our mission is and who we are. Before applying, make sure you look through our website carefully to ensure we are a good organizational fit for your interests.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis; last applications accepted May 1st.
** Interns who are college students MAY qualify for hourly compensation through the Herkimer County College Corps, details will be discussed during the interview process.**
Apply here now!